The official web page and event report

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Federal and civilian reenactors mingle with townsfolk before the event

Federal and civilian reenactors on the lawn near the train depot and town hall in Herndon

Event begins with the arrival of Mosby's Rangers
Same image, wider view Union prisoners are herded into the street The Rangers prepare to move out with their captives
First Vermont Cavalry are herded down the street First Vermont Cavalry prisoners First Vermont Cavalry prisoners
Prisoners are herded off by Mosby's raiders Prisoners on the march The Confederates have just figured out that they're carrying all of the Federals heavy gear
Federal prisoners being paroled Demonstrating the musket to spectators Igniting a spark in the next generation
Ok, which one's the ramrod? Betty Barfield showing a spectator how her dress is constructed. The Merry Widow, herself
Betty Barfield and Doug Dobbs share a lighter moment. Maryanne Whitten The Widow Barfield's Bookhouse with Betty and Maryanne



Copyright 2001 Doug Dobbs
Last revised: March 21, 2001